Friday, January 18, 2013

Quant Facts now 30-19 (1/18/13)

With Alabama's victory over Notre Dame in this year's college football's national championship (BCS) game, our quant fact predictions improve to 30-19 (61.2%).  Math, statistics, and probabilities can be powerful tools in knowledge discovery -- and researching methods to optimize the chances of victory and winning championships.

Stay tuned for our upcoming analysis of the Super Bowl.  

Carlton Chin, CFA, is a quantitative researcher and portfolio strategist for Price Asset Management  and Adamah Capital, a hedge fund specializing in alternative assets & Computer Aided Research & Trading (CARAT).  Jay Granat, PhD is a psychotherapist and founder of  

Jay and Carlton are particularly interested in certain factors that can be coached and practiced.  Their research has shown that these traits can help sports organizations improve performance -- and win championships.