Sunday, April 5, 2015

Who Will Win the 2015 NCAA Men's Basketball Championship?

Our "quant fact" predictions split the Final Four semifinal games.  Here is our prediction for the 2015 men's basketball National Championship game.

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Carlton Chin is a fund manager, MIT-trained quantitative analyst, and co-author of “Who Will Win the Big Game?" He has been quoted by the Wall St. Journal, New York Times, and ESPN -- and worked with the Sacramento Kings on the 2014 NBA Draft. Dr. Jay Granat is the co-author of the "Who Will Win" book and owner of   

Saturday, April 4, 2015

2015 NCAA Final Four Predictions

Our official quant fact predictions have been posted at  We love the crystal ball-like photo that accompanies the article and hope our hot streak in men's college basketball continues.

Enjoy the games.

Carlton Chin is a quant fact researcher who enjoys applying math to everything from sports analytics to the financial markets. Thoughtful analysis can result in knowledge discovery and help to explain the world around us. Carlton has been a contributor to the Sacramento Kings Advisory Council, New York Times -- and has also been featured in the Wall Street Journal and ESPN. 

Dr. Jay Granat is a psychotherapist and has been named one of America's top mental gurus. Jay coaches athletes of all levels, and has appeared in a variety of media outlets, including Good Morning America, ESPN and the New York Times.  

Friday, April 3, 2015

Quant Facts 41-25 (62.1%)

Our quant fact predictions go the Super Bowl wrong this year, dropping our results to 41-25 or 62.1%.  Stay tune for our March Madness Final Four predictions, coming up very soon.

Please visit our SportsBlog, where we post our content first!