Saturday, June 18, 2011

Quant Fact Predictions now 24-13

We're still licking our wounds from the NHL & NBA Finals -- but it goes to show you that the statistics won't be correct all of the time -- but they DO put the "wind at your back."

  • Vancouver was beaten by a red-hot goalie who was definitely "in the zone" as well as hard-nosed, great playoff hockey by the Bruins.
  • Miami was defeated by unbelievable teamwork, a quiet leader and star named Dirk Nowitzki -- and huge veteran play by Jason Kidd.  
  • Congrats to both champions, the NBA's Dallas Mavericks & the NHL's Boston Bruins.
Our book's blog's record in "quant fact predictions" now stands at 24-13 (64.9%), still a solid record that is based on quantifying concepts of sports psychology.  The statistics add several interesting angles to sports analytics -- and regularly picks underdogs.