Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Who Will Win the Big Game? 2018 Super Bowl

The results for this article are based on every Super Bowl ever played, since the first Super Bowl in January 1967. Our very first “Who Will Win” the Super Bowl prediction — for the Wall St. Journal — correctly picked an underdog to win the big game.

Will we pick an underdog again this year? Read more below!

Carlton Chin and Jay Granat are co-authors of "Who Will Win the Big Game?"  Their research quantifies concepts of sports psychology and over the past decade, their predictions in major sporting events have been correct about 65% of the time, while regularly picking undervalued teams.  

Friday, January 26, 2018

Super Bowl Square Pool Odds (By Quarter) - 2018

We published our popular article on Super Bowl Square Pools.  Read more here:

And please visit out blog in a few days -- for our Super Bowl quant fact prediction!  Thank you for reading.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Quant Fact Predictions now 49-28 (63.6%)

With Alabama's victory, our Quant fact predictions improve to 49-28 or 63.6% since we started to publish predictions.  Our quant fact predictions are based on our research to quantify concepts of sports psychology.

We will be updating our popular article on Super Bowl Square Pools soon -- as well as predict the winner of the Super Bowl, before the "Big Game!"

Carlton Chin, CFA, holds both undergraduate and graduate degrees from MIT and enjoys applying numbers to everything from sports analytics to the financial markets. He is managing director of portfolio strategy and research at Price Asset Management (PAM) -- and a portfolio manager specializing in Computer Aided Research & Advanced Technology (CARAT), strategic asset allocation, and quant trading systems. He has been featured in the NY TimesRantSports, Wall St. Journal, SeekingAlpha & Financial Trader.

Dr. Jay Granat, psychotherapist, named one of America's Top 10 Mental Gurus by Golf Digest, has worked with Olympic athletes & sports organizations. A former university professor, he has authored several books on sport psychology -- and has appeared on ESPN, CBS & Good Morning America.

Monday, January 8, 2018

2018 College Football Championship Game

Over the past decade, we have published quant fact predictions based on our research for “Who Will Win the Big Game: A Psychological & Mathematical Approach.” Our published results have been correct over 63% of the time, often picking underdogs.

Read more here:

Carlton Chin holds both graduate and undergraduate degrees from MIT. He is a fund manager and quant researcher focused on portfolio strategy and sports analytics — and has worked with various sports organizations, including the Sacramento Kings. He has been quoted by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and ESPN. 
Dr. Jay Granat is a psychotherapist and founder of He has worked with athletes of all levels, including high school athletes and Olympians. He was named one of Golf Digest’s Top Ten Mental Gurus and has been on Good Morning America, the New York Times, and ESPN. 

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Quant Facts 48-28 (63.2%)

After the World Series loss by the Los Angeles Dodgers, our quant fact predictions dropped to 48-28, or 63.2%.  We will be posting a quant fact prediction for the College Football National Title shortly. 

Thank you for reading! 

Friday, January 5, 2018

2018 NFL Playoff Preview: Quant Facts

Our readers know that our “Who Will Win” methodology focuses on sports psychology “quant facts.” That is, our goal is to quantify edges associated with concepts of sports psychology. Our playoff power rankings are based on measures of confidence, experience, consistency, and execution while minimizing errors. In addition, our playoff rankings apply sports analyticaltools such as quality wins and point differential.

Read more here: